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10th Polish-Spanish Conference on the European Legal Tradition

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10th Polish-Spanish Conference on the European Legal Tradition

Commercial Relations – from Roman Law to the Present




Economic exchange is a crucial element of the contemporary global economy. The first legal system regulating international economic exchange was developed during the time of the Roman Empire. The 10th Polish-Spanish Conference on the European Legal Tradition is a continuation of this work. This year, the discussion will focus on various aspects of commercial relations, from the Roman Law to the present.

May 31

About the conference

The conference will focus on the analysis and promotion of interdisciplinary studies on Commercial Relations, from the Roman Law to the present as well as the analysis of experiences and cases of special interest. We hope that it will stimulate the debate on the theoretical and empirical models  of legal solutions.

In keeping with its character, the meeting will continue to promote the analytical reflection on the field of public policies and to prioritize the applicability and usefulness of studies on these policies, from a historical perspective, beginning with the Roman roots of public institutions. 

The Faculty of Law at SWPS University in Warsaw, The Roman Law Area and the Associated Member of The Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy (POLIBIENESTAR) at Universitat Jaume I in Castellón, Spain have been organizing the annual conference since 2010.

Conference languages
Spanish, Polish, English, Italian.


10 polsko hiszpańska konferencja

Date and Location

May 31 2019

SWPS University od Social Sciences and Humanities
ul. Chodakowska 19/31